From the dropdown menu choose the walk you are interested in.
Click on the one you want. This will open the walk in the map with all the waypoints. The waypoint at the start of the walk will be identified by a flashing icon.
The left hand column of images are the up to date views from the walk. Clicking on one of these images will highlight its location on the map with a flashing icon. Clicking on any of the waypoints will display the up to date image and on the right hand side of the screen the historic image will be displayed along with its descriptive information.
You will be able to see a 3D image of any of the waypoints by dragging the peg man to the waypoint you are looking at to see the street view. You should bring the peg man to the waypoint until it changes to a small image, then you will see the exact placement. To return to the map, click on the small arrow on the top left of the street view image.
Click on the 'Plot GPX file' button at the bottom of the map to view the exact route of the walk.
You may download any of the walks by using the links at the bottom of the map.
The KML KMZ and GPX files can then be uploaded to your favourite walking app i.e., Garmin, Starva etc.
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